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  1. **方案设计**:缘通租赁的专业团队深入园区,根据园区布局、人流量分布等因素,量身定制了双向人脸识别闸机的安装方案。

  2. **安装调试**:在方案确定后,缘通租赁迅速组织技术人员进行设备安装与调试,确保每一台闸机都能正常运行,并与园区管理系统无缝对接。

  3. **人员培训**:为确保园区工作人员能够熟练操作新系统,缘通租赁还提供了专业的操作培训,包括闸机使用、数据管理等内容。



  - **管理效率显著提升**:通过人脸识别技术,实现了快速、无接触通行,大大缩短了人员进出时间,提高了园区整体运行效率。

  - **安全性大幅增强**:双向识别功能有效防止了非授权人员进入,同时,系统还能实时记录人员进出信息,为安全管理提供了有力支持。

  - **用户体验优化**:便捷的通行方式得到了入驻企业员工的广泛好评,大家纷纷表示,新系统让上下班变得更加轻松愉快。


  - **灵活租赁模式**:缘通租赁提供的短期租赁服务,让园区管理方在无需承担高额购置成本的情况下,即可享受到先进门禁系统带来的便利。

  - **专业定制方案**:根据园区实际情况量身定制的安装方案,确保了闸机系统的有效性和实用性。

  - **高效售后服务**:缘通租赁的专业团队在项目实施过程中及后续使用中,提供了及时、专业的技术支持和服务,保障了系统的稳定运行。




  **English Version**:

  **Successful Case of Two-way Face Recognition Turnstile Rental in Qujing, Yunnan**

  Amidst the wave of smart city construction, Qujing, Yunnan, with its unique geographical location and rapid economic development, has emerged as a forefront for enterprises and institutions to explore intelligent management. Recently, a renowned technology park in Qujing successfully introduced the two-way face recognition turnstile rental service provided by Yuantong Leasing, significantly enhancing the parks security management and providing convenient and efficient access experiences for tenants, making it a noteworthy success story.

  **Project Background**:

  As a vital carrier of technological innovation in Qujing, the technology park gathers numerous high-tech enterprises and research institutions, experiencing heavy daily foot traffic and demanding security management tasks. Traditional manual access control methods could no longer meet the parks need for efficiency, precision, and security. Therefore, the park management decided to introduce an advanced access control system.

  **Demand Analysis**:

  After extensive research and comparison, the park management chose Yuantong Leasings two-way face recognition turnstile rental service based on several key considerations: flexible leasing options, advanced equipment with the latest face recognition technology, and professional service with a comprehensive after-sales support system.

  **Implementation Process**:

  1. **Customized Solution**: Yuantong Leasings professional team visited the park, tailored an installation plan for the turnstiles based on the parks layout and foot traffic distribution.

  2. **Installation & Debugging**: Following the plans approval, Yuantong Leasings technicians promptly installed and debugged the equipment to ensure seamless integration with the parks management system.

  3. **Staff Training**: To ensure smooth operation, Yuantong Le


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